Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM): People around the world demand IMF to cancel Ukraine’s unjust debt
The CADTM publishes this petition which emanates from citizens of Ukraine and which rightly asks for the cancellation of the Ukrainian debt. Correctly the initiators of this petition state that the
“Chaotic borrowing and antisocial debt conditionality was a result of total oligarchisation: unwilling to fight the wealthy, the state rulers kept getting deeper in debt. Loans were issued under conditions of social spending cuts, and their repayment forced to economise on vital needs and apply austerity to foundational economy sectors.”
It is for these reasons, among others, that the debt claimed from Ukraine is illegitimate. This is reason enough to justify its cancellation.
The war of invasion that Ukraine is undergoing is another compelling reason to justify the cancellation of the debt. The Ukrainian people must be supported in their struggle against aggression.
The CADTM specifies that it has reservations concerning the partially positive vision of the European Union given by the authors of this petition. The CADTM considers that the EU authorities have constantly pushed for the implementation of neoliberal policies. The European treaties are designed to favor the interests of big capital and big business so that they can best exploit workers by pitting the working classes against each other. The EU promotes a huge wage disparity between Romanian and Bulgarian workers on the one hand and workers in the western part of Europe on the other. The Ukrainian people would do well to reflect on the serious risks of their country joining the European Union as it is designed.
Despite our reservations about the text on the question of the EU, the CADTM supports this petition and calls for its signature.